Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Meditation is a 4 letter word...

Meditation is a 4 letter word...

Meditation. What a loaded word.
Personally, I prefer ‘stillness’ as a term to describe the plethora of practices that can shoved in the same boat. Tools in the tool box. The question is whether you have a variety of tools or just a hammer?

This episode goes into the beginning ideas that I have on meditation and going through a few of the purposes of it. If you want to go deeper, send me a message and/or leave a comment, and I’ll incorporate it into the next episode where I break down the elements of stillness that have brought results for me and my clients too.

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.

– Lao Tzu


Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
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